Sunday 6 August 2017

I Can Eat a Rainbow

The fruit looks round like a ball. It is red and green. There are seeds inside it. It is juicy and it has a stalk and it is yummy. It is crunchy and it makes me happy because it is my favourite fruit. The juice drips down my chin. Inside it is juicy. I like it.

I am brown on the outside. I am yellow on the inside and I come from the ground outside.I have dirt from the ground. I am eaten when I am at home.
What am I?

I am long and skinny. Inside I am light green and outside I am dark green. Some people eat me at dinner and lunch. I am a vegetable. I am big and crunchy.
What am I?

I am long and crunchy inside. My colours are green and orange. I am a vegetable.
What am I ?

I am little and round and green. I come from a pot of vegetables.
What am I?

The fruit looks like a crescent with yellow skin.

The fruit looks like an orange ball.

I am green and I am little.
What am I?

The fruit looks like a crescent.

I am white inside and I am brown outside because I come out of the ground. You can make wedges with me and you and cook me and you can fry me also. You can make me into chips.
What am I?

I am round and I am watery and I have watery seeds. I am green and long and I am a vegetable.
What am I?

I am orange and dark green and long. You eat me for dinner and lunch and morning tea and for a snack. I am crunchy. When you cut me up you dip me in tomato sauce. I am a vegetable.
What am I?

I am orange and crunchy. I am a vegetable. You eat me for
dinner and lunch.
What am I?

I am green and I am little. I am in a pod. I am a vegetable.
What am I?

I am green and long. I am a cucumber.

I am orange and crunchy. I am a triangle. I am a vegetable. You eat me for lunch and dinner.
What am I?

The fruit looks like a ball of orange.

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